At YKK our environmental pledge encourages us to “preserve the abundantly endowed global environment and to transfer it to the next generation in sound condition.” Likewise, many apparel manufacturers are concerned with lessening their environmental impact so clothing does not end up in landfills where they can cause harm to…
YKK Corporation has just released a new video entitled “The Relationship Between the Groundwater of Kurobe and YKK,” which is about conservation activities conducted by YKK to preserve Kurobe, Japan’s natural groundwater. Kurobe City, Toyama Prefecture is the technological hub and main manufacturing and development center for YKK, and it…
In 1972, World Environment Day was established by the United Nations General Assembly to raise global awareness concerning protecting nature and the planet Earth. Every year on June 5th, YKK Group offices around the world plant trees to recognize this special day.
As a leading company in the manufacture of fastening products, YKK is concerned with protecting the world’s water resources and eliminating substance that are harmful to the environment. To address these concerns, YKK has developed a waterless dyeing process for dyeing zippers at its factory in Kurobe, Japan where it…
YKK Fudosan (Real Estate) Co., Ltd. (Head office: 1, Kanda Izumi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo) obtained top LEED-BD+C (Core and Shell) certification (Platinum) for its YKK80 Building. It was the first such certification for a new office building in Japan. In LEED* certification, the site, water efficiency, materials, indoor environment and energy…