In this installment of “A Journey Around YKK Global Facilities,” we introduce you to YKK India’s Social Development and Vocational Training Center.
According to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals “Sustainable economic growth will require societies to create the conditions that allow people to have quality jobs that stimulate the economy while not harming the environment.” YKK India is working towards achieving this goal by providing opportunities for women to not only learn new skills but also find better job opportunities.
The Social Development and Vocational Training Center was set up in 2007 in the factory of YKK India with the aim to empower underprivileged young women with knowledge, skills and self-confidence. The training program covers stitching, embroidery, basic computer skills and English language. Each year, 15 women from the nearby villages are chosen to undergo a 1 year training course.
Upon completion of the course, the women will be given sewing machines to continue practicing what they have learned and hopefully be able to produce items that can be sold for additional income. So far, the center has trained a total of 182 women with some of them joining as staff of YKK India upon graduation.