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Climate Change

Protecting our global communities through environmental responsibility

YKK Group Environmental Pledge

Environmental management is an important responsibility as we conduct our business. The YKK Group adopted the Group Environmental Pledge in 1994 and undertakes environmental measures in all business areas.

YKK Group Environmental Pledge:
It is recognized today as being a most important duty for all humankind that we preserve the abundantly endowed global environment and that we transfer it to the next generation in a sound condition.
Striving to be an Earth-friendly company, the YKK Group proclaims that it will address and promote “harmony with the environment” as the highest priority of its business activities.
— September 1994

YKK Group Environmental Vision 2050

In April 2019, the YKK Group established its Environmental Vision 2050 in response to the great need for environmental actions on a global scale. The Vision defines the long-term direction for environmental initiatives that the entire Group must take in order to realize a higher level of environmental management. The YKK Group, in the spirit of the Cycle of Goodness®, challenges society and all employees to create new value in order to realize a rich natural environment for all living things in the future.

YKK Group Fifth Mid-Term Environmental Management Principle

The YKK Group draws up Mid-Term Environmental Management Principles every four years in accordance with our Mid-Term Management Policy. Under the Fifth Mid-Term Environmental Management Plan (FY2017-FY2020), the entire Group collaborates on action plans for achieving our environment policy and goals. Our activities are focused on actively contributing to society and aiming for net zero environmental impact.

Information on environmental action plans and results can be found under Environment Management in the data volume.

Environmental Policy Promotion Structure

An environmental policy board committee formed from our management strategy committee makes decisions on environmental policy/principles and monitors the state of environmental policy promotion within the YKK Group. In order to carry out our environmental principles, the YKK Group has also established an environmental management system (EMS) according to the international standard ISO 14001 for each business and promotes continuous environmental activities.

YKK Group Environmental Management Audits

The YKK Group reinforces its global environmental management structure through Group environmental management audits and environmental management cross-audits conducted under the leadership of each region.

Group environmental management audits, conducted under the Environmental Policy Board Committee, verify reliable implementation of Group environmental management policy and principles and the status of operation of environmental management systems for maintaining and enhancing environmental compliance, all while making any necessary improvements.

In addition, for the environmental management cross-audits conducted under the leadership of each region, the heads of each region spearhead efforts to examine environmental activities and the legality of actions taken by each site within the region based on cultural differences and unique environmental laws and regulations in place. Through these efforts, environmental risks are mitigated and environmental compliance is maintained and improved.

Tackle GHG Emissions & Increase Use of Renewable Energy

Reduced energy use from the shutdown of some of our overseas companies due to the global spread of COVID-19 resulted in the significant reduction of GHG emissions by YKK in FY2020. Amid such circumstances, we continued to engage in energy conservation activities, such as the updating of production facilities and the introduction of highly efficient equipment. In China, preparations are underway for the introduction of solar power generation, with a new 2,144 kW capacity having come online in FY2021.

In Europe, there was an increase in YKK plants achieving 100% renewable energy purchasing. This brings the total number of plants worldwide that procure 100% renewable electricity to 10. Meanwhile, a reduction of approximately 10,400 tons of GHG emissions is expected from increased sales of the NATULON® zipper series, which uses recycled materials and thereby contributes to the reduction of Scope 3 GHG emissions.

climate change

  • Be carbon neutral by 2050.
  • Reduce emissions of CO₂ and other greenhouse gases in our company & supply chain.

Scope 1 & 2: 50% reduction by 2030 (from a 2018 baseline)
Scope 3: 30% reduction by 2030 (from a 2018 baseline)

  • Reduce energy consumption through improved manufacturing and auxiliary equipment efficiency, streamlined operations and processes.
  • By 2019, stop the construction of new facilities using coal. By 2030, abolish all coal use in YKK facilities.
  • Install renewable power sources at YKK-owned facilities for power generation where feasible.
  • Reduce our Scope 2 emissions by purchasing renewable energy where possible.
  • Reduce our Scope 3 emissions by switching to 100% sustainable textile materials by 2030.

Action plans and their results for environmental policy can be found in the data volume.

Read the Data Volume

Expanding the Lineup and Increasing Sales of Environmentally Conscious, Safety-conscious, and Health-conscious Products

To contribute to the development of a sustainable society, we develop and sell products that give consideration to the global environment and aid a safe, secure, and healthy lifestyle.

NATULON® zippers product line

Promoting Environmental Contribution Measures

As a member of society, the YKK Group actively participates in local communities to contribute to solving environment problems. We place particular emphasis on environmental education for children.

Viewing wildlife in the Furusato no Mori Forest

Iro Iro Sagashi in Passivetown

Preserving Ecosystems

The YKK Group continuously investigates the impacts of its business activities on ecosystems and strives to reduce those impacts. We take measures to preserve biodiversity and give consideration to regional ecosystems.

Vegetation Management Based on IPM

Pesticides used to control vegetation are believed to have major impacts on the surrounding ecosystem. Given this, we have established the YKK Group Pest Management Guidelines as a way of controlling vegetation at our locations based on integrated pest management (IPM) in order to mitigate our effects on the surrounding environment. We will continue to promote this greening control technique based on IPM at Japanese and overseas sites going forward.

Initiatives for WET Testing

Water discharged from our main locations in Japan is in full compliance with the water quality standards set forth in the Water Pollution Control Law, by local government ordinances, and per agreements with local governments. However, we did not fully understand the impacts on the environment caused by chemicals not included in water quality standards or by the reaction of chemicals. As a result, we conducted WET (Whole Effluent Toxicity) testing and aquatic life surveys on the water we discharged into rivers and determined that none of the water discharged from our bases has an impact on ecosystems.

Furusato no Mori (Hometown Forest)

The Kurobe Manufacturing Center, YKK Group’s technology headquarters, has developed a Furusato no Mori (Hometown Forest) and Furusato no Mizube (Hometown Waterside) aimed at regenerating our vanishing nature. Growing seedlings with seeds native to the Kurobe River alluvial fan began in 2006, and from 2008 on, with the help of locals, employees, and employees’ families, about 20,000 specimens of 20 different kinds of trees were planted.

Today, 6 mammal species, 40 bird, 210 insect, 7 fish, and 24 species of benthic organisms, which include 16 rare and endangered species of wildlife, are confirmed to inhabit the area. In August 2016 at YKK Center Park, we were awarded SEGES’s (Growing Green Spaces Category) Excellent Stage 3 certification, the highest grade for first evaluations.

*SEGES is the only green space evaluation system set up as part of the specified policy of the Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and the Ministry of the Environment.

YKK Group Tree Planting Day

The YKK Group established YKK Group Tree Planting Day on June 5 in conjunction with World Environment Day.

Proactive Disclosure of Environmental Information

The YKK Group sees the provision of environmental information to numerous stakeholders as opportunities for creating new partners and generating new value all while receiving a variety of opinions. Accordingly, we proactively disclose environmental information.

Maintaining and Improving Environmental Compliance

We comply not only with environmental laws and regulations, but also establish and follow stricter internal environmental rules to prevent any environmental pollution resulting from our business activities. We continuously review those internal rules to make improvements.

Reducing CO₂ Emissions

To address climate change, an issue that affects all of humankind, the YKK Group is working to reduce energy consumption in manufacturing, logistics, employee transportation, and other areas and to shift to cleaner forms of energy. We have set a target of cutting CO2 emissions by 30% by fiscal 2030 (compared to fiscal 2013) in Japan. In addition to energy conservation measures, we are undertaking initiatives that use our technological capabilities in areas such as highly efficient production systems, energy-saving technologies, and facility development and putting efforts into expanding the energy savings of overseas sites through operational improvements.

CO₂ Emissions Control Throughout the Supply Chain

In order to reduce the environmental impact in all areas, from raw material procurement to manufacturing, transportation, use, and disposal, the YKK Group works with supply chains to realize a low-carbon society by calculating CO2 emissions throughout the supply chain. Ultimately, we are working together to reduce CO2 emissions.

Details of calculation methods are set as follows: Examples of Ministry of the Environment Green Value Chain Platform initiatives (YKK, YKK AP)

Science Based Targets Initiative Approves YKK’s GHG Reduction Targets

YKK Corporation’s emissions reduction targets were approved by the independent Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) as consistent with levels required to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement – limiting global warming to well-below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C.

Science Based Targets Initiative Approval