
New way to unzip your garments!!
YKK’s QuickFree® zipper allows you to release the zipper by simply pulling your garments or pants. Newly developed slider body makes it easy to insert the insert pin.
It’s easy and quick!

SKU: cbc9ac1efa3a Categories: , Tag:


Additional information


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Close Open Two-way Chain
Size/Chain Type 5VS - OK - -
  • There is a possibility that the zipper opens unexpectedly if used on a heavy weight garment.
  • Please make sure that the garment is closed before washing or drying to avoid tangle with other laundry, that results in damaging to the zipper elements, slider or other components.
  • Do not add an excessive load. It may cause damage to the garments and zipper.
  • Please contact YKK representatives for more details.


Easy Functional Innovation Sports/Outdoor